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COA Middle School Physical Education Department

In Physical Education, for 7th and 8th grades, students do 7all of the following in each separate category as related to California Content Standards...
 These are standards outlined as essential standards for the school's PE department. For further information about PE content standards, one can access the California Dept. of Education website at
Essential Content Standards for COA middle school related to PE.
- Demonstrate patterns for throwing: overhand and underhand throwing; catching; kicking/punting; striking; trapping; dribbling (hand and foot); and volleying.
- Combine locomotor, and non-locomotor skills into variety of movements.
- Demonstrate body management needed for successful participation indoor/outdoor activities.- Identify and describe key elements of overhand, sidearm, and underhand throwing; catching; kicking/punting; striking; trapping; dribbling (hand and foot); and volleying.
- Use principles of motor learning to establish, monitor, and meet goals for motor skill development.
- Explain and demonstrate spin and rebound principles for performing manipulative skills.
- Diagram and demonstrate basic offensive and defensive strategies for individual and dual physical activities.
- Participate safely in moderate to vigorous physical activity when conditions are appropriate (weather, travel, injury). This includes using the pool for two separate units through the year.
- Develop and teach a team game that uses elements of spin or rebound, designated offensive and defensive space, a penalty system, and a scoring system.
- Students also learn about group dynamics, teamwork, and social interaction in a co-education setting in all their P.E. classes.