- Art
- Career Technical Education (CTE)
- Creative Writing
- Dance (Lessons of Rhythm & Dance)
- Drama
- English Language Development (ELD)
- Enrichment (Yearbook & Husky News Journalism)
- Leadership
- Project Lead The Way (PLTW)
- Russian & Etiquette
- Study Hall
- Teacher Assistant (TA)
- Ukrainian
Teacher: Kropinova
Class Restrictions: Grades 6 - 8
Prerequisites: Good behavior
Length: Full year
Course Description: This elective will last a full-year and includes high amounts of hands on application. The course will follow the California Visual Arts Standards and students will practice two and three-dimensional art forms and digital art, including drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. In addition there will be an element of Art History embedded.
Career Technical Education (CTE)
Teacher: To be determined
Class Restrictions: 6 - 8
Prerequisites: Good behavior and academic standing
Length: Full Year
Course Description: This elective is designed to provide students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. Students will have the opportunity to engage in various units designed to simulate real world careers and provide students with hands-on experiences. Topics may include: design and marketing, flight technology, home maintenance fundamentals, culinary arts (cooking), nursing, pharmacology, sports medicine, and veterinarian medicine.
Creative Writing
Teacher: Mrs. Kalafatis
Class Restrictions: Grades 6 - 8
Prerequisites: Good behavior and academic standing
Length: Full Year
Course Description: This course is designed to engage students in creative writing. Throughout the course, students will learn to develop their creative writing skills and participate in a range of fun writing activities. Students in this course will also work on weekly Husky Newsletters and other publications.
Dance (Lessons of Rhythm & Dance)
Teacher: Mrs. Kurganskaya
Class Restrictions: Grades 6 - 8
Prerequisites: None
Length: Full year
Course Description: This course is designed to help students learn different types of dance culture such as folk dance, modern dance, and ballroom dance elements while also promoting the use and development of the Russian language. Students will engage in assignments and projects related to dancing, presentations, and they will have the opportunity to dance and perform.
Teacher: Mrs. Ivanko
Class Restrictions: Grade 6 - 8
Prerequisites: None
Length: Full year
Course Description: This class is for students who want to (and have parent permission) to perform in front of an audience of young children. Drama students will learn parts to plays, get to work as a team, and have opportunities to perform for our C.O.A. elementary school students. They can also help with behind the scenes items such as set design and costumes.
English Language Development (ELD)
Teacher: Mrs. Senina, Mrs. White
Class Restrictions: Grades 6 - 8
Prerequisites: Classification as Level 1 or Level 2 English Learner
Length: Full year
Course Description: This course is designed to provide designated support for English learners. Students will learn how English works and how to use English. Students will work on oral and written language, vocabulary, reading strategies and comprehension. Activities will be a mix of collaborative and individual practice.
Enrichment (Yearbook & Husky News Journalism)
Teacher: Mr. Keane
Class Restrictions: Grades 6 - 8
Prerequisites: Good behavior and academic standing
Length: Full year
Course Description: In this course, students will get to participate in creating the school yearbook. Some students will get a chance to be a photographer for the school. Students will work on writing captions for pictures and designing layouts for their yearbook pages. Students are pre-screened and expected to have excellent behavior and be model representatives of our school. In addition, they will work on the weekly Husky News. They may be asked to interview staff, take surveys, and do research in preparation for videos and weekly Husky News episodes.
Teacher: Mrs. Armenta, Mr. Kalafatis
Class Restrictions: Grades 6 - 8
Prerequisites: Good behavior and academic standing
Length: Full year
Course Description: Students will develop leadership and personal skills. This class will be involved in planning, organizing, and leading school rallies and assemblies. Students will also work to promote school events such as Spirit Days and the Husky Games. In addition to school activities and spirit, students will learn to function as a team of leaders by learning about public speaking and communication. Students will also learn about the need for personal and professional goal-setting as well as what they set and achieve their goals. All of these skills combined will allow them to have a strong foundation for leadership and success in their futures.
Project Lead The Way (PLTW)
Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
Teacher: Mr. Coder/Mr. Romero
Class Restrictions: Grade 7 & 8
Length: Full year/Semester
Prerequisites: Good behavior and academic standing (C’s or above)
Course Description: This project based class introduces students to concepts in 3D design and modeling in Autodesk Inventor, 3D printing slicing software such as Idea Maker, Cura Prusaslicer, and the principles of 3D printing. Other elements include engineering design and modeling, and flight and space.
Russian & Etiquette
Teacher: Mrs. Kurganskaya
Class Restrictions: Grades 6 - 8
Prerequisites: None
Length: Full year
Course Description: This course is designed to help students learn and maintain Russian language. Students will engage in projects, language practice, presentations, and writing. Emphasis will be placed on grammar, writing, speaking, and reading.
Course Description: This course is designed to help students deepen and develop their understanding of etiquette while also maintaining a focus on the Russian language. Students will engage in projects and activities designed to build stronger character and help them to become positive, respectful scholars. Students will also engage in language practice, presentations, and writing as they learn about various concepts related to etiquette.
Study Hall
Class Restrictions: Grade 6 - 8
Prerequisites: None
Length: As needed
Course Description: This course is designed for students who need support in the core academic areas. They will be utilizing two computer programs, as well as receiving small group instruction and support on assignments for their core classes. The goal of the course is to reteach foundational skills and provide tutoring and time to catch up with work in order to help students be successful in their other classes.
Teacher Assistant (TA)
Class restriction: Grade 8
Prerequisites: Good behavior. As and Bs in all classes.
Length: Semester/year
Course Description: This option is meant to provide students with valuable experiences to prepare them for life and the real world. Students enrolled as a TA, will help with classroom duties, errands, and other work. Teachers may choose for their TA to assist other teachers if needed. Course options will be limited and may include electives, regular classes, and the school office. Enrollment is dependent on strong academic standing and maintaining good behavior.
Class Restrictions: Grades 6 - 8
Prerequisites: None
Length: Full year
Course Description: This course is designed to help students learn and maintain Ukrainian language. Students will engage in projects, language practice, presentations, and writing. Emphasis will be placed on grammar, writing, speaking, and reading.