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Enrichment / Intervention Classes

Enrichment is a fun elective class! It is a one period class four times per week. We offer you a variety of choices to try to represent a wide-range of student interests. Students will have an enrichment class, unless they have a math support class that is offered at the same time. Students may not always be granted first or second choice because of space or demand, but COA administration will do their best to place students in a session within their top choices. Class offerings may change at the discretion of school staff and administration.

Counselor’s Note:

Teachers and Administration may pull students out of enrichment classes if they are not meeting behavior or academic standards.  Students may not always be granted first or second choice because of space or demand, but COA administration will do their best to place students in a session within their top choices.  Class offerings may change at the discretion of school staff and administration.


Teacher: Kropinova
Class Restrictions: Grades 6 - 8
Prerequisites: Good behavior
Length: Full year
Course Description: This elective will last a full-year and includes high amounts of hands on application. The course will follow the California Visual Arts Standards and students will practice two and three-dimensional art forms and digital art, including drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. In addition there will be an element of Art History embedded. 

Career Technical Education (CTE)

Creative Writing

Dance (Lessons of Rhythm & Dance)


English Language Development (ELD)

Enrichment (Yearbook & Husky News Journalism)


Project Lead The Way (PLTW)

Russian & Etiquette

Study Hall

Teacher Assistant (TA)


library class photo
group photo wearing yellow scarves
class photo smiling